Tuesday, July 1, 2008

On Headers and Habits

Rather than try to introduce you to who I am, I'm just going to dive in and let whoever may stumble upon this bit of internet clutter figure it out as we go. Clearly my header is still in progress. Be patient with me. I'm no graphic designer.

Since I can't seem to decide what the h to do with myself, I've decided to start a blog to kill the time that should be taken up by a meaningful career. So, as I work as an indentured servant to The Man (a not-for-profit The Man, but a The Man, nonetheless), I've decided to clean up my lifestyle a bit. I thought a blog would be a good way to track my progress (or lack thereof) and a good outlet for catharsis of my ideas and emotions in the meantime. I'm not in college anymore, so the days for sleeping my mornings away, never updating my car tags and cleaning only when I do laundry are past. There have been a couple instances of late where this lack of attention to day-to-day details have come back to bite me in the proverbial a$$. I also recently discovered the blog zenhabits.net, which is very fabulous and has provided much inspiration for my latest goal. I can make stuff happen when I decide I really want to. We'll see if I really want to...

I'm almost 27. I happen to be a lucky member of the generation whose twenties are purgatory. All my friends agree. All this "finding yourself" of which previous generations didn't have the luxury and thus were able to conveniently forego couldn't suck much more than it does. So, until this all pans out, I have a small space all my own to record my self-indulgent thoughts and impressions.

And, I hope to have a really fabulous header soon.


Jerry Mills said...

dirty liminality!

easal said...


good for you (starting a blog). i started one and wrote pretty regularly when i first moved to baltimore. it charted my first year in great detail, and it's one of my favorite things to go back and read...now i primarily just track my activities through flickr (photographs) rather than text, and i totally agree about the purgatory status, though i would say it's "awesome", it's the impending end that makes it suck...