Friday, August 15, 2008

Today's Fixation

Hello, all!

Here is an update on my progress toward a more zen life.

The waking up early has not been going as planned. I guess this week I've been waking up around or even after 7:15 or so, which is not ideal. But, it's been a crazy summer and my sleep schedule has gotten all out of whack. My goal is to get back on track next week with waking up right at 7:00 on the nose, and then get back to moving earlier gradually.

I just realized today how much of a weight debt is when it comes to financial peace of mind. Money is tight in my budget each month because of money going to pay down debt. Duh, you say. Yes, perhaps I'm a little slow, but today was my first realization of how being in debt effects my quality of life in a day to day way. I've always understood this concept in theory, but it really hit home today examining my finances and realizing how much extra money a month I would have if I weren't in debt. So...announcing my latest zen goal:


Thus: I paid off my credit card today! I had a little extra cushion in my checking account, and I figured, why not? If I find that I overextended myself and need a little extra money, worst case scenario, I just put another couple hundred back on the credit card. But even in that scenario, I'll still be in much better shape with a much lower balance.

Furthermore, I have decided to add something else that I'm going to be working on. So, here is my latest goal that I would like to announce. Duh-duh-duh-duh: I would like to pay off my car completely in the next three months. I still have eight months of payments, so I will have to be a little resourceful, but I'm going to make it into a little game for myself. I think that if I send all my extra money toward this noble cause, I can make it happen. What's a goal if it's not a little challenging?

In other news, I hope to spend this weekend bringing order to my apartment and getting things good and cleaned up. It's time to make my house a home.

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